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XKeymacs is a keyboard utility to realize emacs like-useability on all windows applications. With XKeymacs you can use emacs keybindings with any windows application. You can create a keyboard macro and assign any shortcut key too. You also get bash-like command completion in your DOS shell. If you do not know Emacs, Xemacs, Mule or Meadow, you probably want nothing to do with XKeymacs. I began to make XKeymacs because I wanted to add C-t and C-l to Keymacs. Now that all the functions I want are available,
Supported OS: Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 (Internet Explorer 5.0 is required on Windows 95, 98 or NT 4.0.)

It includes xkeymacs.exe, xkeymacs.dll, xkeymacs64.exe, xkeymacs64.dll, Readme.txt, Readme_J.txt, FAQ.txt, FAQ_J.txt, release.txt, release_J.txt, spec.txt and spec_J.txt.
Old versions:

Archive of old versions

(C) 2001 oishi@cam.hi-ho.ne.jp